Botox Treatment : for Face Slimming and Lip Corner Lift(Smile Lift)

Botox Treatment

Botox treatment involves injecting a protein derived from the botulinum bacterium into the muscles. 

This protein temporarily relaxes muscle tension, which can help alleviate issues such as teeth grinding, clenching, and gummy smiles caused by muscle tension. 

Due to the ease of seeing results with just an injection, this treatment is gaining popularity.

Botox Injection: Treatment Areas and Examples

Masseter Botox (Jawline Botox):

Masseter Botox (Jawline Botox):

By injecting Botox into the masseter muscles located near the jawline, which are used for chewing, it weakens the clenching force. This can help improve issues like teeth grinding, clenching, and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). 

Additionally, Botox injections can make the jawline appear less prominent by relaxing the masseter muscles, leading to a slimmer facial appearance.

Gummy Smile Botox:

A gummy smile, where the gums are excessively exposed when smiling, can be caused by factors like dental alignment, bone structure, and the muscles around the mouth. 

When the gummy smile is due to overly strong muscles that lift the upper lip, Botox treatment can weaken these muscles, reducing the visibility of the gums and improving the smile.

Lip Corner Botox:

Injecting Botox into the muscles that pull the corners of the mouth downward can help correct drooping corners, making the lips appear lifted. This treatment is even more effective when combined with hyaluronic acid injections into the lips.

Botox Treatment Example

Enhance the facial contour and make the cheeks appear slimmer

Before Botox Treatment


After Botox Treatment


Reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds

Before Botox Treatment


After Botox Treatment


Lip Hyaluronic Acid + Botox : A case of Anti-aging Care

Before Botox+Hyaluronic Acid Lip Treatment


After Botox+Hyaluronic Acid Lip Treatment


This case involved anti-aging treatment for the lower face using a combination of hyaluronic acid injections to the lips and Botox injections.

The M-shape of the lip was enhanced with hyaluronic acid. Botox injections to the masseter muscles resulted in a slimming effect and reduced nasolabial folds, while also helping to prevent teeth clenching.

Smile lift Botox (depressor anguli oris muscle) was used to lift the corners of the mouth and reduce the wrinkles around the mouth area.

Recommended as a Final Touch After Cosmetic Surgery

Recommended as a Final Touch After Cosmetic Surgery

Many people visit us from overseas to receive hyaluronic acid lip treatments and Botox injections as a final touch after their cosmetic surgeries.

For those who wish to achieve an even more perfect facial appearance, hyaluronic acid lip treatment is highly recommended.

Our Botox Treatment Features

About the Medication Used

At our clinic, we use a botulinum toxin product called Neuronox.

Neuronox is a generic equivalent of Allergan’s Botox, manufactured and sold by Medytox, a company based in South Korea.

This product has been approved by the MFDS, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in South Korea (formerly known as KFDA), ensuring its high level of safety.

Procedure for Botox Injection Treatment


Botox Injection Treatment

During the consultation, we will carefully listen to your concerns and discuss your desired outcome in detail.

After assessing your facial contours and overall facial balance, we will recommend the most suitable treatment method and thoroughly explain the procedure.

Botox Injection

Botox Injection

To minimize discomfort, the skin’s surface will be thoroughly cooled and disinfected before administering the Botox injection.

Downtime and Post-Treatment Care

We will inform you about the downtime and important precautions to take after the procedure.

Experience Results Within a Few Days

Unlike hyaluronic acid treatments, the effects of Botox injections do not appear immediately after the procedure. For facial muscle injections, you will start to notice gradual effects within 3 to 4 days, with full results typically becoming visible within two weeks.

In the case of masseter Botox, the visible effects often become noticeable about one month after the procedure. The effects typically last between 3 to 6 months, so we recommend repeated injections for sustained results.

Botox Pricing Guide

Jawline Slimming Botox Treatment30,000JPY 50 units for both sides(25 units *2)
Both sides 50 units (25 units × 2) Gummy Smile Correction Botox20,000JPY 2–8 units
Chin Wrinkles Reduction Botox: ¥18,00018,000JPY 2–4 units
Philtrum Shortening & Jawline Slimming Botox18,000JPY 2–4 units
Smile Lip18,000JPY + 1cc Hyaluronic Acid 2–4 units

A 10% discount applies to re-injections at the regular price. Discounts and re-injection offers cannot be combined.

People Who Cannot Undergo Botox Injections

Please note that the following individuals are not eligible for Botox injections:

Botox Injection Summary

Consultation for Botox Injections

Consultation for Botox Injections

Botox injections can help refine your facial contours, offering a slimming effect.

At White White, our dentists carefully assess the overall balance of your face, focusing on the mouth area, to deliver the most suitable Botox treatment.

Additionally, combining Botox with other aesthetic dental treatments can help you achieve the ideal smile and facial appearance.

This treatment is also popular among patients visiting from overseas.

Please feel free to consult with us about Botox injections.

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